Ferry Corsten

Demo Contest

This contest is now closed, and the winners have been announced.

Together with Ferry Corsten, we decided upon the following winners for the demo contest on Armada University:

#1: Simon Leon
Terry Golden

Please find the original contest description below:

It’s time for a good ol’ Armada University demo contest again. And this time, we’ve got a massive prize lined up: a one-on-one video call with Ferry Corsten AND a video call with an Armada Music A&R to discuss your music and potentially get signed.

The Prizes:

: You will receive a 30-minute video call with Ferry Corsten AND a 30-minute video call with Armada Music A&R Harry Fowler to discuss your music.
: You will receive a copy of Ableton Live 10 Suite (valued at $599) and a one-hour session of 1-on-1 online product training with a Certified Ableton Trainer PLUS two free Armada University courses of choice.
: You will receive one free Armada University course of choice.

How To Enter
This is the kind of opportunity that could kickstart your career, so let’s cut to the chase and explain how it works.
Step 1:
Purchase Ferry Corsten’s ‘In The Studio’ masterclass if you haven’t already.
Step 2:
Create (or select) your best demo and sent it through to us via our advanced demo feedback opportunity before March 16.
Step 3:
Make sure your demo is titled ‘Ferry Corsten Demo’. This will let us know that your submission is used to enter the contest.
Step 4:
We will announce the winner approximately thirty days after the contest ends.

Are you as excited as we are? Hit the button below to visit the contest page at FaderPro!